Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Setting

We know that the setting of a story is the time and the place. Describe the setting of the story. (Use your student ID to get credit).


  1. In New York, Lexington Avenue, the setting of the story was next to the main street. The story happened on 12th floor, and it was dark and cold outside of the building. There were people walking down the street, but they were looking like dots. (985624)

  2. In New York, Lexington Avenue, and next to main street. Tom's aparment is in eleven stories below. It's autumn night.

  3. In New York, Lexington Avenue, and next to main street. Tom's aparment is in eleven stories below. It's autumn night.

  4. The setting takes place in his apartment and on the ledge. I would have to say its mid day or late at night when this things are taking place. NJ

  5. The setting takes place in New York, Lexington Avenue, which is next to main street. Its on the 11th floor. It takes place in his apartment and on the ledge. Its a little after 7 cause his wife has left for the movie. NJ
