Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Eleven Stories

Use your imagination. What does Tom see when he looks down? (Use your student ID to get credit).


  1. Ass soon as Tom looks down, his body starts trembling, his world turns to panic and fear invades his mind. He never thought that it was going to be that hard, being eleven stories up was unimaginable because it was his first experience ever done.

  2. Tom see the black dots of people moving and car; the miles of traffic signals. Tom began to temble, and panic. He couldn't move at all. He closed his eyes; his mind began to work and imagine a lot of thing. After a moment he became paralyzed.

  3. 996500
    Tom saw the Loew's theater sign,the cars, and the dots of people walking in the street. At that moment he started to feel extremely panic. He became to imagine her death; what people might will think about him. He was out of control in a point, that all his body trembled. He was almost crazy.

  4. He sees people walking on the sidewalk. Cars going up and down the street, but no one can see him because it is so dark out. Maybe even the place his wife has gone. NJ

  5. When Tom looked down he thought like if he was flying out of the ledge. His body started to shake, his arms became weak, and he feel as if his life was finishing little by little. Trying to overcome his fears he avoided to look down. 993923
